Handover of the grant for the Kühlungsborn-West railway station

Press release of the Ministry of Economy, Infrastructure, Tourism and Labour

Bad Doberan, 25.11.2022 Minister of Economy and Transport Reinhard Meyer handed over a grant to the Mecklenburgische Bäderbahn Molli GmbH in Bad Doberan today. The company wants to convert the existing ticket counter at Kühlungsborn West station into a modern customer centre. "The Molli Bäderbahn, the oldest narrow-gauge railway on the Baltic Sea, enjoys great popularity. Residents, day trippers and tourists use the route between Kühlungsborn and Bad Doberan. Now the Kühlungsborn West station building is to be carefully renovated and modernised to welcome passengers in a historically stylish ambience," said Reinhard Meyer, Minister of Economic Affairs, Infrastructure, Tourism and Labour.

Ticket office restored in the style of the 1930s

The Mecklenburgische Bäderbahn Molli GmbH was founded on 01.10.1995 and took over the 15.4 kilometre route between Kühlungsborn and Bad Doberan from Deutsche Bahn AG. In addition to the line with nine stops, according to the operator, four listed station buildings with rental and holiday flats as well as two catering facilities and its own workshop are operated. Plans in Kühlungsborn now include the conversion of the ticket office into a modern customer centre and a thorough renovation of the ground floor area. In addition, the historic ticket counter in the station is to be restored in the style of the 1930s. The complete station concourse lighting will also be converted to historic globe lamps. Work on the modernisation has already begun, with structural work, the pulling in of steel girders and the pre-installation of the electrics currently underway. "The Bäderbahn is a comfortable means of transport and at the same time an impressive holiday experience. So it is important that the stations along the route also match this living piece of history. This is now happening with the renovation and modernisation in Kühlungsborn West," said Meyer. 

Ministry of Economics and VMV-Verkehrsgesellschaft Mecklenburg-Vorpommern provide local support     

The total investment is around 548,000 euros. The Ministry of Economics supports the project through the VMV-Verkehrsgesellschaft Mecklenburg-Vorpommern with budget funds of about 150,000 euros.


Fahrplankonferenz 2025

Pressemitteilung des Ministeriums für Wirtschaft, Infrastruktur, Tourismus und Arbeit Dr. Blank: „Trotz der vielen Baustellen werden viele Reisenden von einem weiter verbesserten Angebot profitieren.“ Im