Press invitation for Tuesday, 16 April 2024 - Starting signal for nationwide on-call bus system in M-V

Press invitation from the Ministry of Economic Affairs, Infrastructure, Tourism and Labour

The state has agreed with the municipal authorities and transport companies to strengthen public mobility in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern and thus further improve the quality of life of its citizens. The development, provision and operation of nationwide on-demand bus services are a central focus of the joint efforts and an important step towards implementing the state's mobility offensive. The aim is to achieve efficient connections to the public transport network in rural areas as well. Minister President Manuela Schwesig, Transport Minister Reinhard Meyer, District Administrator Tino Schomann from the district of Nordwestmecklenburg, the Managing Director of VMV-Verkehrsgesellschaft Mecklenburg-Vorpommern Daniel Bischof and the Managing Director of the transport company Nahbus Nordwestmecklenburg Jörg Lettau took part in a ceremony at Gadebusch railway station to mark the launch of the new nationwide on-call bus system in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern.


When: 16 April 2024, 2:00 pm

Where? Gadebusch railway station, Am Bahnhof 1, 19205 Gadebusch, (public commuter car park available)

Planned procedure:

2:00 pm        Arrival and welcome of the guests at the station forecourt in Gadebusch

2:12 pm        Arrival of the MV call bus from Bentin (line 43, NAHBUS) with Prime Minister Manuela Schwesig

Possibility to change to regional rail transport (connection to line RB 13 in the direction of Schwerin, ODEG)

2:18 pm        Departure of the RB 13 line in the direction of Schwerin, (arrival time of the train at Gadebusch station: 14:08, platform 1, ODEG)

Greetings including subsequent press photo handover

  • Manuela Schwesig, Prime Minister
  • Reinhard Meyer, Minister for Economic Affairs, Infrastructure, Tourism and Labour
  • Tino Schomann, District Administrator, Northwest Mecklenburg District
  • Jörg Lettau, Managing Director NAHBUS Nordwestmecklenburg GmbH

Minister President Manuela Schwesig hands over the press sign with the state-wide call hotline to the transport company NAHBUS Nordwestmecklenburg GmbH.


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