Special train to the DFB Cup match FC Hansa Rostock - Hertha BSC

Press release by the Ministry of Economic Affairs, Infrastructure, Tourism and Labour of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern

Meyer: We are providing relief with an additional special train

The state has ordered an additional journey option from Deutsche Bahn (DB) Regio for this Sunday on the Rostock Hbf - Berlin route to relieve the regular service.

Transport Minister Reinhard Meyer expresses his thanks for the willingness to provide additional capacity on the route at short notice: "During cup matches, we have to expect increased utilisation of the trains and unfortunately also clashes between fan groups. We want to ensure that both groups have as few points of contact as possible, especially after the match."

The departure time of the special train on Sunday (18.08.24) is for

  • Rostock Hbf 19:16 planned (arrival in Berlin Charlottenburg 22:07)


The train stops at the en route stations Waren, Neustrelitz, Oranienburg and Spandau. The train's destination station is Charlottenburg.

"Due to construction work between Oranienburg and Berlin, the relief train will stop at different stops and stations than the regular train services," said Meyer, Minister for Economic Affairs, Infrastructure, Tourism and Labour, adding: "We ask Hertha supporters travelling by train to use the additional train to reach the Berlin city area without any problems and without having to change trains. A generally valid ticket is sufficient for the journey. The costs for the additional service will be borne by the state."



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