Arrive safely! By train to the festival and back

Festivals are an event for music lovers; people party for hours and hours to their favourite music. The Airbeat One Festival is a popular destination for festival lovers from all over Germany and will take place again this year from 12 to 16 July 2023 near Neustadt-Glewe.

Due to the increased passenger numbers on the RB 14 route between Parchim and Hagenow, the VMV, together with the ODEG, has been looking for ways to expand services. This year, additional resources were created and trains with twice the seating capacity were ordered by VMV.

A comfortable journey to the festival is possible by bus and train to Neustadt-Glewe. Regional train 14 runs regularly between Hagenow Stadt and Parchim. From Neustadt-Glewe railway station, the festival operators offer a free shuttle bus to the festival grounds. For the journey home on Sunday, 16 July 2023, the RB 14 trains will run at regular 2-hour intervals between Parchim and Hagenow with double seating capacity after the end of the last events at 6am until around 6pm. We wish all festival guests a carefree weekend and a safe return journey by public transport.


Fahrplankonferenz 2025

Pressemitteilung des Ministeriums für Wirtschaft, Infrastruktur, Tourismus und Arbeit Dr. Blank: „Trotz der vielen Baustellen werden viele Reisenden von einem weiter verbesserten Angebot profitieren.“ Im