Rufbus MV "Friedrich" test winner

The MV "Friedrich" on-demand bus from Stadtwerke Greifswald received top marks in a test conducted by ACE (Auto Club Europa) in autumn 2024. With 14 out of a possible 15 points, it took first place out of 33 on-demand services tested across Germany, proving that modern mobility concepts also work reliably away from major conurbations.

Flexible and barrier-free availability, that is what makes the MV "Friedrich" on-call bus so special - it picks passengers up flexibly from one of the 250 virtual stops and drops them off at their desired destination - without a rigid timetable. This makes it a real alternative for anyone who wants to stay mobile during off-peak times or in less well-connected areas and is the ideal addition to local public transport in Greifswald. Bookings can be made easily and conveniently using the app or by telephone. The MV "Friedrich" on-call bus is integrated into the regular fare system. Users can use it with a single ticket or the Deutschlandticket without having to worry about additional costs.

Not only the MV "Friedrich" call bus was convincing. The VVR surfer as part of Rufbus MV from the district of Vorpommern-Rügen achieved excellent results in the ACE test. The MV on-call bus shows how well thought-out transport services can enrich local public transport and make people's everyday lives easier.


Fahrplankonferenz 2025

Pressemitteilung des Ministeriums für Wirtschaft, Infrastruktur, Tourismus und Arbeit Dr. Blank: „Trotz der vielen Baustellen werden viele Reisenden von einem weiter verbesserten Angebot profitieren.“ Im