Information event organised by VMV - Verkehrsgesellschaft Mecklenburg-Vorpommern

Schwerin, 12 June 2024 VMV-Verkehrsgesellschaft Mecklenburg-Vorpommern has invited the state's transport companies, the districts and independent cities, the Landkreistag, the M-V State Expert Committee for Public Transport and the State Office for Road Construction and Transport to an information event in Schwerin. 

Representatives from the Ministry of Economy, Infrastructure, Tourism and Labour also took part in the event.

The main topic of the event was the Deutschland-Ticket. Participants were presented with the results of the expert report commissioned by the VMV on the possible future distribution of revenue from the Deutschland Ticket in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern. Following the presentation of the results, the next steps were discussed.


Fahrplankonferenz 2025

Pressemitteilung des Ministeriums für Wirtschaft, Infrastruktur, Tourismus und Arbeit Dr. Blank: „Trotz der vielen Baustellen werden viele Reisenden von einem weiter verbesserten Angebot profitieren.“ Im