Passenger numbers rise again

Schwerin, 04.12.2024 VMV-Verkehrsgesellschaft Mecklenburg-Vorpommern mbH (VMV), Mukran Port and Hanseatische Eisenbahn GmbH (HANS) are pleased with the service on the RE27 railway line between Bergen auf Rügen and the ferry port of Sassnitz. Passenger numbers on the train connection have risen again compared to the previous year, with an increase of around 43 per cent. The new Thursday departures were also well received. In addition to guests from all German federal states, the service was also used by international travellers, especially from Scandinavia.

Managing Director Daniel Bischof of VMV-Verkehrsgesellschaft Mecklenburg-Vorpommern mbH is satisfied with the response to the additional offer: "This positive development is a clear signal that travellers are increasingly opting for climate-friendly alternatives. The HANS train connection directly to the ferry port of Mukran in the summer months is a small but important part of our mobility offensive in the state and makes public transport in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern even more attractive and sustainable for both the population and holidaymakers."

This development confirms the need for increased connections to tourist destinations via climate-friendly means of transport. "The rise in passenger numbers is impressive proof that investing in public transport not only benefits the climate, but also strengthens the local and regional economy through the increase in tourists and visitors," explains Fridjof Ostenberg, Managing Director of Mukran Port. "For the port region and the entire island of Rügen, the growing rail traffic is a valuable addition to promote sustainable travel."

Hanseatische Eisenbahn GmbH, the transport company commissioned by VMV, also sees the summer transport initiative as an important step. "The steadily increasing number of passengers shows that awareness of climate-friendly mobility is growing. We are proud to be able to offer a sustainable transport solution for the Rügen region together with our partners," says René Haber-Henning, Managing Director of HANS.

The successful partnership between Mukran Port, the state, VMV and HANS as well as the increasing demand from Germany and abroad show the importance of a growing and innovative public transport network. The aim for the future is to further expand the rail connections in the state through targeted measures and to promote sustainable travel chains.

About the Mukran Port

 The Mukran Port on Rügen offers everything that makes a modern multifunctional port on a total area of almost 430 hectares with ferry, railway, multipurpose and offshore terminals as well as extensive production and storage areas. Mukran Port offers ideal conditions for the offshore wind industry: there are already several offshore wind farms within a maximum radius of 30 nautical miles, which will be expanded in the coming years. Four offshore wind farms are already being operated and maintained from Mukran Port.

About VMV - Verkehrsgesellschaft Mecklenburg-Vorpommern mbH (VMV) 

The state-owned transport company helps to implement the transport policy goals of the state government. It provides transport services in local rail passenger transport (SPNV). It was founded in 1995 after the railway reform reorganised the state's responsibilities for regional rail transport. With the Regionalisation Act, responsibility was transferred to the individual federal states. According to the Public Transport Act of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, the municipalities are responsible for local public transport by road, i.e. bus and tram. Because of its supra-regional importance, public transport by rail remains under the administration of the state.

About Hanseatische Eisenbahn GmbH

HANSeatische Eisenbahn GmbH (HANS) operates regional railway lines in Brandenburg, Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania and Saxony-Anhalt. As a regional company, HANS focuses on sustainable mobility in rural areas, strengthens passenger transport and is committed to the preservation of regional railway lines. With customer centres and ticket counters, HANS enables direct customer contact on site and works closely with public transport authorities and local authorities on future-oriented transport concepts.






Fahrplankonferenz 2025

Pressemitteilung des Ministeriums für Wirtschaft, Infrastruktur, Tourismus und Arbeit Dr. Blank: „Trotz der vielen Baustellen werden viele Reisenden von einem weiter verbesserten Angebot profitieren.“ Im